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I'm Back!

Wow! It has been a long time. I retired in May, took a trip to Handi Quilter Academy and a short tour of Utah in June, had Covid in July, took a trip to Vermont in September, and have had numerous gatherings, invitations, and all the windows replaced in my house since then. It has been a whirlwind, and I am ready to settle in for a long winter's rest--well not really. I am ready to get back to writing, creating, and doing those stitchy and quilty and fibery things.

I have said it before and it bears repeating--I am a YouTube junky. Consequently, I have developed a new love for wool and felting. So as we go forward, BEWARE. I will be adding that to the mix.

For now, I will be heading into my studio to figure out what to write about and show you next.

It feels good to be back!


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