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Magenta Foundations

Many famous bloggers, vloggers, and makers on the web are selecting a word of the year to help them focus on something they deem personally relevant as the days go by. As quilters and makers, we also become aware of the color of the year, so we can incorporate the color trend and fashion focus as we design and create. I believe that this year's color is magenta. I like magenta. Actually, I like all the words and all the colors! I only wish that I could stay focused on one meaningful word and one color and all its shades for an entire year much like they do. I cannot! And, I am willing to bet many of you are much like me.

I like this idea of focusing on words and color though. I believe I can focus on each for small lengths of time--maybe for a project or two or a week or two! So, I am going to try it.

My favorite word right now is foundation.

Foundation-- (n). a base, a substructure, a basis, a cornerstone, a fundament.

A foundation is a very important part of many things--a house, an idea, a makeup regimen, etc.

I am currently honing my paper-piecing skills, and I am finding that the foundation that the paper and lines provide is fabulous for very small pieces and blocks, intricate designs, and my ideals of perfection. These foundation papers are very helpful in providing accurate bases, substructures, and cornerstones!

I love using them for tiny little pieced cornerstones!

Foundation papers by It's Sew Emma.

As for color, I love both navy and red, which is great because magenta falls right smack dab in the center of these primaries on the color wheel. One of the things about magenta that makes me so interested in it is that the definition is somewhat muddy, but the color is not. It is quite vivid and poppin'. Right now I am really into all things Tilda, Art Gallery, and Figo. So, I looked at all my favorite sites and found that each of these companies has incorporated some shade of magenta in many of their current and coming collections. (No affiliations)

Now I am not sure if magenta is pinkish, purplish, reddish, or something else, but I like the idea of using it as an accent or a pop in my house and my creations, especially my new quilt designs because I think it is a relatively happy color with hints of whimsy.

I am looking forward to focusing on foundation papers and magenta over the next few days or weeks or... Come back and see how long I last!

Tell me in the comments what you are focusing on right now!

Happy Stitching


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2 comentarios

I love the idea of a focus color and word! Magenta is so majestic!

I'm trying to focus on building a writing routine again. I love to write! Sometimes the words come easy, and sometimes they don't. Sometimes it's hard to write the memories that I want to pass on with my words. I also love reading your posts, and I can't wait to see what you make with magenta (although I think I got a sneak peak today)!

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Mary Jones
Mary Jones
01 feb 2023
Contestando a

I love to write too. Sometimes it rolls right off the pen. It is like sewing, some days are better than others! I bet you did get a peak!

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